Preserving Arrowhead

We’re happy to announce grants that will help preserve Arrowhead for future generations and enable us to create a more authentic experience of Herman Melville’s home for visitors from all over the world. Thanks to the Jane and Jack Fitzpatrick Trust, Preservation Massachusetts and the 1772 Foundation, we will be replacing lost historic louvered shutters  this year.

A House Restored, May 8

Old houses share their secretsonly if they survive.
Join author Lee McColgan for a free lecture and book signing during which he will share his renovation tales of the Loring House as detailed in his new book, A House Restored.  Details here.

Poor Herman, July 26 – August 3

Herman Melville’s great-great-great granddaughter, Austin playwright Elizabeth Doss, uses the author as a subject to speculate on the line between utter genius and epic failure in us all. 
Details here.  Use the BOOK NOW button to purchase tickets. 

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